Course Description

Torrens University Australia, Australia's international university, was founded in 2013 through partnerships with some of Australia’s most renowned education providers who share a purpose-driven and passionate approach to teaching, in order to create courses that are designed to place passionate people in careers they love. As Australia's first new university in more than 20 years, Torrens University brings a careers-focused and global perspective to Australian higher education. Torrens University offers high-quality undergraduate, graduate, higher degree by research and specialised degree programs in a wide range of academic disciplines. Their work is strengthened, amplified and its impact reinforced through partnerships with industry, research collaborations, sport, government and non-government organisations. What sets Torrens University apart is their unwavering commitment to producing global graduates with the skills to form strong industry connections, rooted in a culture of change-making and positive impact on society and environment. Torrens University's cutting-edge campus in Adelaide offers the latest digital technologies. Students have the opportunity to take advantage of dedicated study areas, professional studios and an integrated English Language Centre.

Why Torrens University - Ultimo

  • Campus: Torrens' Ultimo campus is situated next to the innovative Central Park precinct, and nearby Broadway Shopping Centre. Inside the converted warehouse, students find industry-level photography, sound and design studios.
  • International Focus: Torrens University prides itself on being a place where students from around the work come to learn. With students from over 100 countries, Torrens University offers a high quality education to a diverse student population.
  • Industry Engagement: Industry engagement is at the core of Torrens University's pledge to help their students succeed and to prepare them to change their world. Industry insights and partnerships ensure curriculum is relevant to future needs and to ensure that graduates are ready to work in and contribute to industries of the future.

  • Description
  • Avg Application Fee
  • Avg Cost of Tuition/Year
  • Estimated Total/Year
Author Images
Edward Norton
Founder & CEO

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Course Rating

5.00 average rating based on 7 rating

(7 Review)

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