Course Description

Washington State University Everett (WSU Everett) is a campus of Washington State University in Everett, Washington. The land-grant research university was founded in 1890 and the Washington State Legislature approved funding for WSU to expand to Snohomish County in 2011.The campus began with a 95,000-square foot building costing $64 million.The campus was founded in 2014, and courses began in the Fall of 2017. Washington State University Everett is a student- and community-centered campus, located in the seventh-largest city in Washington State. Here in Everett, we have the unique opportunity to align world-class WSU academics directly with industry partners. Our high-demand bachelor’s degree programs are built specifically to achieve career-readiness and prepare you for the professional world. Real-world experience and small class sizes on our urban campus create a more personal and meaningful experience. At WSU Everett, you’re more than a number. Your relationships with faculty, staff and peers will grow throughout your academic experience and follow you into your career.

Why Washington State University - Everett

  • Location: As the largest city in Snohomish County, Washington, Everett serves a diverse community of more than 110,000 residents. Located 25 miles north of Seattle, the city is nestled between Port Gardner Bay and the Snohomish River. North Everett’s quaint historic downtown is home to a vibrant arts, culture and music scene, delicious dining, pubs and breweries, Angel of the Winds Arena, and family-oriented festivals year-round. The downtown also hosts unique shopping experiences including toymaker Funko’s headquarters.
  • Student organizations: The Department of Student Involvement inspires and empowers students and organizations to prepare for life after WSU Everett through meaningful involvement.
  • Career services: WSU Everett is focused on a career ready experience! Employers love graduates with good grades and a degree, and they also look for candidates with strong leadership, conflict resolution and problem solving skills. Whether you are ready for that full-time job, an internship or you are currently crafting your resume, the WSU Everett Career Advising team is here to help!


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  • Avg Application Fee
  • Avg Cost of Tuition/Year
  • Estimated Total/Year
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Edward Norton
Founder & CEO

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Course Rating

5.00 average rating based on 7 rating

(7 Review)

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